EntityKeeper helps you exchange outdated spreadsheets for cutting-edge cap tables and org charts that give you a complete view of your entity’s ownership structure.
Build and manage capitalization tables across your entities, regardless of how many stock classes are available. Capture details, such as the number of shares/units and the price per share/unit and know exactly what the percentage of ownership is across an investor’s specific stock class and how it relates to the entire investor pool.
Quickly visualize and identify investor relationships to better understand investor expectations based on their level of equity and securely centralize this data in a single platform.
EntityKeeper’s data automation empowers you to transform your capitalization tables into robust organizational charts that can help you save time and mitigate manual errors while also providing data on direct and indirect ownership percentages for individuals through any amount of entity layers.
Segment sensitive information between your capitalization table and organizational chart so you can keep your data organized.
Tailor visible ownership information on your reports based on the recipient(s) and assume more control over what specific users see.
Rely on a single solution to simplify your ownership structures and a single service provider to help you organize and automate your data.