Choosing a Reliable Registered Agent to Help Manage Your Legal Entities

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As a corporate general counsel, you always remain the busiest person in the office. Whether it’s keeping up with multiple entities, filing dates, compliance, or mitigating potential risk, we know that your plate stays full.  

While many of these job functions have their uphill battles, picking a Registered Agent can be easy. Choosing the right registered agent can not only be beneficial for your company but you as well. Get time back in your day by choosing someone who can help you handle new filings, receive on behalf of your company, track filings dates, and more. Your registered agent can be your conduit into a grander compliance calendar and help establish key notifications for upcoming deadlines. 

While it may seem like an easy task, it is an important one that comes with a lot of responsibility, so you need to choose wisely. To help, here are a few tips when choosing your registered agent:  

  1. Nationwide Provider
    You need a registered agent in each state you conduct business in. Therefore, to keep yourself organized it is best to find a registered agent who can represent you in all states. This will help you to grow your business without having to worry about filing requirements and deadlines in each state.

  2. Professional Service
    Make sure to go with someone who is experienced in the handling of important and time-sensitive documents. Appointing a person in your office can be risky if they were to ever be out of the office or leave the company. Using a professional servicer also allows you to move, be away, or not in the office and not have to worry, knowing that your servicer will give you time to act on whatever you are dealt with. Another benefit of using an outside service is it helps to keep a layer of privacy by not having your address listed on the public record. 

    When you are evaluating professional services, a bit of advice would be to find a servicer who can quickly help with any filing related services you may need for your entity. 

  3. Look into a software
    Finding a registered agent service that incorporates software will be key to your success. Software provides a secure way to easily order and manage your registered agent services and allows you to keep all your information in one place. A good software will not only give you the opportunity to choose a registered agent, but track the entire process through their platform. Removing the need to constantly reach out to a firm or individual when trying to get set up.  

EntityKeeper is a full-service software that not only allows you to electronically order registered agent services but also helps you track and manage all your important entity information. The platform gives you the ability to reduce risk by notifying you of approaching filing deadlines, preventing you from ever missing a filing date. Software such as EntityKeeper gives your company the ability to easily access your information anywhere, any time.  

Want to learn more on how EntityKeeper can help your company run smoother while saving you money on registered agent and other filing services? Request a demo to learn more.